Holter Monitoring
What is Holter Monitoring?
- Holter monitoring is a continuous, twenty-four hour electrocardiographic (EKG) recording of the heart’s rhythm.
- Electrodes are placed on the chest area with the leads attached to a small recorder.
- the patient will keep a 24-hour diary to record daily activities and any symptoms experienced.
- It takes about 15 minutes to have the monitor put on.
- The patient must return the next day to have the monitor removed.
- This test must be ordered by a doctor and the patient will be placed on a wait list for a monitor to become available.
Why is holter monitoring done?
- This test helps the doctor evaluate the type and amount of irregular heart beats during regular activities such as exercise and sleep.
What can be expected after the monitor is put on?
- Once the monitor is in place, do not touch or adjust the electrodes or the monitor.
- Do not get the electrodes or the monitor wet.
- Do not have X-rays taken while wearing the holter monitor.
- Avoid using an electric blanket, heating pad, or water bed while wearing the monitor.
- The patient must record daily activities and any symptoms he or she may experience in the daily diary provided. This will help the doctor make a more accurate evaluation.
What preparation is required?
- Do not apply creams, oils, or powder to your chest before the monitor is attached.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.